So I got to see one of my favorite beat makers of all time ONRA perform live at the Knitting Factory last week and it was AWESOME! Last time he was here, I missed him! I was soooo sad about it so I went to his myspace to check out tour dates. You know just to make sure that I didn't miss out for good. And lo and behold, he came back one last time! I would like to think he did that just for me! LOLS j/p. But here are some of the pics i took while i was there. Sorry about the quality as I don't own a flash! (hint hint loved ones, Christmas is around the corner!!!) So I just made do with what i had; and here they are:
MIKE SLOTT<<<<< click that link right there!!!! NEW FAV!!! LOOK OUT FOR HIM!!!
Olivier DaySoul <<<<<click that link right there!!!came thru to perform "Long Distance" with ONRA a feature from the new album entitled "LONG DISTANCE"<<<<<------- Click that link! Buy this now!!!
ONRA(right, on the mic) and I can't remember the other guy's name, BUT he was killing those keys! NICE!!!
Wish I had real video for this, but I had to make do with the animated Gif!!! OOW! (yea I got one liners!)
I loved the lighting at this show. Simple, but it helped bring out the Future Funk mood. Nice flicks